


① 共同研究契約における契約内容を遵守すること
② PDX資源のウイルス検査、臨床・病理検査、標的、経過、薬剤耐性等の詳細情報は、契約の意図を確認の上で提供されること
③ レシピエントマウスは特に記載がない限り、スーパーSCIDマウス(詳細は構築中)であること
④ 前立腺がんとGISTに関しては、論文発表まで、学術的共同研究を最優先すること





頭頚部腫瘍          Top
PDX. No 臨床診断 病理組織診断 特徴 既知突然変異 手術・移植日 年齢
NOp.528 甲状腺がん Anaplastic adenocarcinoma 再発気管食道浸潤 KDR , TP53 , (BRAF , PIK3CA) 2010-11-04 M 75
NOp.780 甲状腺がん(右) Papillary adenocarcinoma 2012-05-10 F 49
NOp.1312 甲状腺がん(左) Papillary adenocarcinoma 2016-02-01 M 51
NOp.1575 甲状腺がん(右) Papillary adenocarcinoma 2017-03-27 F 47
NOp.1657 甲状腺がん(右) Papillary adenocarcinoma 2017-09-11 M 79
食道・胃腫瘍          Top
PDX. No 臨床診断 病理組織診断 特徴 既知突然変異 手術・移植日 年齢
NOp.611 食道がん Squamous cell carcinoma, moderately differentiated type なし 2011-05-17 M 69
NOp.668 食道胃接合部がん Signet-ring cell carcinoma :Poorly differentiated adenocaricnoma なし 2011-09-21 F 77
NOp.787 下部食道がん Squamous cell carcinoma, moderately differentiated type なし 2012-05-22 M 46
NOp.840 食道がん Squamous cell carcinoma, moderately differentiated  頸部LN転移、化療後 2012-10-02 M 69
NOp.893 食道がん                     Carcinosarcoma SCC治療後がん肉腫 2013-04-08 M 58
NOs.1307 食道がん Squamous cell carcinoma, moderately differentiated 2016-02-01 F 63
NOs.1308 食道がん Squamous cell carcinoma, moderately differentiated 2016-02-01 M 80
NOs1309 食道がん Squamous cell carcinoma, moderately differentiated 2016-02-01 M 62
NOs.1342 (1438) 食道がん Squamous cell carcinoma, moderately differentiated 2016-03-28 F 52
NOs.1437 食道がん Squamous cell carcinoma, well-moderately differentiated 2016-08-19 M 74
NOp.434 胃がん                   Tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated type スキルス なし 2010-05-13 M 69
NOp.518 胃がん Tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated type S1 1年間投与 P53 (KIT) 2010-10-21 M 78
NOp.527 胃がん Tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated type なし 2010-11-01 M 68
NOp.857 幽門前庭部がん  Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma 肝転移あり、化学療法後1a 幽門狭窄 KDR 2012-12-10 M 66
NOp.861 胃がん Tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated 2012-12-27 M 68
NOp.925 胃がん Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma 2013-06-12 F 68
NOp.953 胃がん Triple cancer; adenocarcinoma a)por1b) tub1, c) tub2 2) Metastatic adenocarcinoma i 3腫瘍に連続性なし 2013-08-13 M 77
NOp.1012 胃がん Adenocarcinoma スキルス 2013-12-26 F 39
NOp.1522 食道胃接合部がん Tubular adenocarcinoma, 2017-01-05 M 71
NOp.1564 胃がん Adenocarcinoma スキルス 2017-03-07 F 49
NOp.1241-1 右転移性肺腫瘍 Metastatic carcinoma、TTF-1(-), NapsinA(-), CDX-2(+), HNF-4a(+) 胃癌肺転移 TTF-1(-), NapsinA(-), CDX-2(+), HNF-4a(+) 2015-07-30 M 46
大腸腫瘍          Top
PDX. No 臨床診断 病理組織診断 特徴 既知突然変異 手術・移植日 年齢
NOp474 結腸がん(S) Tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated なし 2010-07-29 F 74
NOp.478 結腸がん(A) Well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma 肝転移、脾臓転移、化療+ SMAD4 (APC , KRAS , STK11 , PIK3CA) 2010-08-10 M 63
NOp.486 直腸がん(Rb) Tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated 胆管細胞がん既往有 なし 2010-09-02 M 80
NOp.499 直腸がん(Ra) Tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated 術後Adjuvant chemo. KRAS 2010-09-27 M 64
NOp.513 直腸がん(Rs) Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma KRAS 2010-10-14 M 68
NOp.515 直腸がん(Ra) Tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated PIK3CA 2010-10-18 M 60
NOp.526 直腸がん(Rs) Tubular adenocarcinoma, well differentiated KRAS 2010-11-01 M 67
NOp.538 直腸がん(Ra) Tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated なし 2010-11-18 M 69
NOp.1027-1 右再発性転移性肺腫瘍 Metastatic adenocarcinoma 大腸癌(粘液癌) 肺転移 AKT1, (KRAS , KDR) 2014-02-10 F 73
NOp.1051-1 左転移性肺腫瘍 Metastasis of rectal adenocarcinoma ,Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma of the colon 直腸癌術後肺転移 2014-04-21 M 76
NOp.1061 左転移性肺腫瘍 Metastasis of rectal cancer, 2014.1.6直腸がん手術(Adenocarcinoma)後肺転移 TP53 (KRAS) 2014-05-22 M 71
NOp.1060 左転移性肺腫瘍 Metastasis of colonic cancer, S状結腸癌肺転移 2014-05-22 M 72
NOp.1072-1 右転移性肺腫瘍 Metastasis of rectal carcinoma 大腸癌の肺転移 2013/6/4 :Moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma of the colon KDR、TP53 (KRAS, ATM) 2014-07-03 M 70
NOp.1093-1 右転移性肺腫瘍 Metastasis of rectal adenocarcinoma 2013/2/1 直腸がん手術 EGFR免疫染色陽性 2014-07-28 F 74
NOp.1105-1 左転移性肺腫瘍 Metastasis of rectal adenocarcinoma . 2012/1/10直腸がんTubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated EGFR免疫染色陽性 2014-09-11 F 74
NOp.1106-1 右転移性肺腫瘍 Metastatic carcinoma, 2008/12/17大腸がんTubular adenocarcinoma, well differentiated 2014-09-18 F 71
NOp.1112-1 左転移性肺腫瘍 Metastasis of adenocarcinoma 大腸癌肺転移 2014-10-16 F 80
NOp.1184-1 左転移性肺腫瘍 Metastatsis of rectal adenocarcinoma 直腸癌術後 2015-03-09 F 80
NOp.1189-1 左転移性肺腫瘍 Metastasis of rectal carcinoma, 直腸癌肺転移 2014.3.12直腸がんAdenocarcinoma 2015-03-23 M 67
NOp.1208-1 右転移性肺腫瘍 Metastasis of colonic adenocarcinoma 他院大腸癌術後 2015-04-16 M 67
NOp.1292-1 左転移性肺腫瘍    Mestasis of colon cance 大腸がん肺転移(NOp1106と同一患者) 2016-01-14 F 72
NOp.1300-1 右転移性肺腫瘍 Metastatic carcinoma, 直腸がん術後 2016-01-25 M 80
NOp.1475-1 右転移性肺腫瘍 Metastastic adenocarcinoma 2014.8.6大腸がんModerately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma of the colon 2016-10-06 F 54
NOp.1525-1 左転移性肺腫瘍 Metastatic cancer, colon origin 2016.2.15 結腸がんMalignancy Metastatic adenocarcinoma 2017-01-12 F 61
NOp.1203 転移性肝腫瘍 Metastatic colonic adenocarcinoma 大腸癌転移、(胃SMT) 2015-04-06 F 67
NOp.1644 転移性肝腫瘍 (S8) Metastatic carcinoma, compatible with metastasis of colon cancer 大腸がん肝転移、腎癌手術暦有 2017-09-04 M 54
NOp.1713 転移性肝腫瘍(S4,5) Metastatic colonic adenocarcinoma S状結腸癌肝転移 2018-02-01 M 62
NOp.1719 転移性肝腫瘍(3ヶ所) Metastatic colonic adenocarcinoma S状結腸癌肝転移 2018-02-22 F 77
NOp.1728 転移性肝腫瘍(2か所) Metastatic colonic adenocarcinoma S状結腸癌肝転移 2018-03-12 M 58
膵臓腫瘍          Top
PDX. No 臨床診断 病理組織診断 特徴 既知突然変異 手術・移植日 年齢
NOpOs.175 膵がん肝転移 Ductal adenocarcinoma (TP53, KRAS, STK11) 1991-12-16 M 28
NOpOs.191 十二指腸乳頭がん T3 Poorly differentiated adenocarcinioma CEA(-), CA19-9(-) LN 転移(+) なし 1992-03-05 67
NOp.479 膵がん胃浸潤 Disseminated adenocarcinoma to peritonium 腸間膜播腫部摘出 なし 2010-08-17 F 69
NOp.539 膵がん(体部) Invasive ductal carcinomas KRAS  p53 2010-11-18 F 74
NOp.563 十二指腸乳頭がん Tubular adenocarcinoma, well differentiated PIK3CA, FGFR2, (KDR , KIT) 2011-01-02 61
NOp.565 膵がん Tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated with foci of squamous cell carcinoma 術後化療+ TP53 (KRAS) 2011-01-25 74
NOp.577 膵頭部がん Tubular adenocarcinoma, well differentiated 胃がん胃全摘後 (STK11) 2011-02-17 F 62
NOp.593 膵頭部がん Tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated 術後化療+ KRAS 2011-03-17 M 67
NOp.645 膵頭部がん Invasive ductal carcinoma, ; Tubular adenocarcinoma , moderately differentiated 術後化療+ KRAS 2011-08-11 F 63
NOp.661 膵がん Tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated 術後化療+ KDR, KRAS , TP53 (APC) 2011-09-06 F 83
NOp.722 膵内分泌がん(PNET) 、肝転移 Neuroendocrine carcinoma, large cell type 肝転移有、術前後化療 なし 2012-01-24 M 65
NOp.1146 下部胆管がん(膵頭部腫瘍) Adenocarcinoma 2014-12-25 F 74
NOp.1276 膵体部IPMC Intraductal papillary-mucinous carcinoma, invasive 2015-09-03 F 63
NOp.1318 膵頭部がん Invasive ductal carcinoma, moderately differentiated type 2016-02-12 M 58
NOp.1333 膵頭部がん Invasive ductal carcinoma, tubular adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated type 2016-03-10 M 80
NOp.1510 膵がん(膵体部移行部) Invasive ductal carcinoma, mod>wel, 2016-12-12 F 70
NOp.1609 膵がん Invasive ductal carcinoma 副腎合併切除 2017-06-19 F 55
NOp.1665 膵頭部がん Invasive ductal carcinoma, 2017-09-19 M 57
NOp.1666 膵体尾部がん Invasive ductal carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated, 2017-09-21 M 64
NOp.1671 Vater乳頭がん Tubular adenocarcinoma, 2017-10-10 M 75
肝・胆管腫瘍          Top
PDX. No 臨床診断 病理組織診断 特徴 既知突然変異 手術・移植日 年齢
NOp.531 肝細胞がん Hepatocellular carcinoma, double lesion (moderate, well differentiated) nonB nonC マウス内転移 なし 2010-11-09 M 71
NOp.639 肝細胞がん Moderately differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma, nonBnonC 重複癌(胃癌全摘、肝S8亜区域切除) なし 2011-07-26 M 81
NOp.898 肝細胞がん Moderately differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma nonBnonC 2013-04-30 F 43
NOp.1022 中下部胆管がん Adenocarcinoma; 2014-01-30 M 54
NOp.1103 胆のうがん Adenocarcinoma, 2014-08-28 M 74
NOp.1198 下部胆管がん Adenocarcinoma , 2015-03-30 M 84
NOp.1234 下部胆管がん Adenocarcinoma, 2015-06-29 M 68
NOp.1280 肝内胆管がん(S5/8)  Intrahepatic cholangiocarcionma, moderate to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma nonBnonC 免疫染色で肝細胞(-), Arginase(-), Glypican3(-), CK19(+)AlcianBlue陽性の粘液 2015-09-17 M 73
NOp.1337 肝濾胞性リンパ腫(S3、S6/7) Follicular lymphoma (malignancy) nonBnnC 2016-03-18 F 84
NOp.1389 転移性肝腫瘍 Extraadrenal paraganglioma, metastatic ---liver パラガングリオーマの肝転移 2016-06-09 M 58
NOp.1595 肝細胞がん(Combind type) Combined hepatocellular and cholangiocarcinoma nonBnonC 2017-05-08 M 63
NOp.1618 肝内胆管がん 肝転移 Recurrence of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, 2017-07-03 F 78
NOp.1620 肝内胆管がん(S8/4) Intrahepatic chorangiocarcinoma, 2017-07-13 F 80
NOp.1664 肝細胞がん(S4、8) Combined hepatocellular and cholangiocarcinoma nonBnonC .免疫染色にて①肝細胞がんCK7(-)、CK19(-)、Hepatocyte(+)、Arginase-1(+)  ②胆管がんCK7(+)、CK19(+)、Hepatocyte(-)、 2017-09-14 M 72
NOp.1678 肝がん(S8) Metastatic carcinoma, breast origin この症例はtriple negative乳癌の肝転移 2017-11-02 F 59
NOp.1729 下部胆管がん Invasive ductal carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, well differentiated 膵切除 2018-03-15 M 57
肺腫瘍          Top
PDX. No 臨床診断 病理組織診断 特徴 既知突然変異 手術・移植日 年齢
NOp.490-1 右肺がん Adenocarcinoma with mixed subtypes (AC+BAC+pap) (BAC 20%) EGFR遺伝子変異無し (EGFR, TP53) 2010-09-06 F 63
NOp.522-1 肺がん Squamous cell carcinoma, moderately differentited       なし 2010-10-28 M 74
NOp.552-1 肺がん Adenocarcinoma with mixed subtypes (BAC+AC) (BAC 90%) 前立腺癌 2010/9/1  prostate. biopsy : Well differentiated adenocarcinoma, Gleason score 6= 3+3    なし 2011-01-06 M 65
NOp.554-1 右肺がん Adenocarcinoma with mixed subtypes(BAC+solid+acinar) 野口分類typeD 2011-01-06 F 45
NOp.575-1 左肺がん Carcinosarcoma (Chondrosarcoma + Adenocarcinoma) TP53, STK11 (NRAS , MET) 2011-02-14 M 75
NOp.590-1 右肺がん Squamous cell carcinoma, moderately differentiated なし 2011-03-17 M 86
NOp.604-1 右上肺がん Squamous cell carcinoma, moderate-well differentited なし 2011-04-11 M 62
NOp.618-1 左上肺がん Bronchioloalveolar caricinoma, non-mucinous type, Noguchi B type 野口分類typeB 乳がん再発病変あり なし 2011-06-16 F 84
NOp.624-1 左肺がん Malignancy Metastatic thymoma type B3 in lung 未分化癌(悪性度高い)   なし 2011-06-23 F 82
NOp.637-1 左下肺がん Adenocarcinoma with mixed subtypes (acinar+pap+BAC) (BAC 10%)   EGFR 2011-07-11 M 65
NOp.662-1 右上肺がん Squamous cell carcinoma, well differentiated            CDKN2A/TP53 FBXW7 2011-09-08 M 75
NOp.666-1 左下肺がん Pleomorphic carcinoma TP53 2011-09-15 M 74
NOp.681-1 肺がん Squamous cell carcinoma 下咽頭癌の術後(転移性の可能性高) なし 2011-11-10 M 63
NOp.682-1 右上葉肺がん  Poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma TTF-1(-), Napsin A(-), p63(+), CK14(-) なし 2011-11-10 M 79
NOp.697-1 右下肺がん Squamous cell carcinoma、moderately differentiated なし 2011-12-08 M 73
NOp.707-1 右上肺がん Adenocarcinoma with mixed subtype (Solid+AC), poorly differentiated なし 2011-12-26 M 70
NOp.720-1 右上肺がん Adenocarcinoma with mixed subtype (BAC+pap) (BAC 70%) (EGFR, TP53) 2012-01-19 F 63
NOp.755-1 右下葉肺がん   Poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma, SqCC(p63+CK14)陽性、ADC(TTF-1+NaspinA)陰性、Chromogranin陰性、Synaptophysin陰性、ALK陰性 2012-03-26 M 74
NOp.790-1 左上肺がん Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma, mucinous type ALK(-) なし 2012-05-31 F 70
NOp.819-1 右上葉肺がん Adenocarcinoma with mixed subtype (BAC+pap) (BAC 90%) なし 2012-08-09 M 68
NOp.862-1 右下葉肺がん Squamous cell carcinoma, moderately differentiated differentiated なし 2013-01-10 M 78
NOp.875-1 左上葉肺がん Squamous cell carcinoma, moderately differentiated differentiated なし 2013-02-14 M 70
NOp.890 左下葉肺がん Squamous cell carcinoma, TTF-1(-), p40(ΔNp63)(+), ALK(-) 2013-03-25 M 73
NOp.907 右中葉肺がん Squamous cell carcinoma, moderately differentiated differentiated なし 2013-05-16 M 73
NOp.910 右下葉肺がん Adenocarcinoma, mixed subtype (acinar > BAC) 2013-05-20 M 72
NOp.914 右下葉肺がん Adenocarcinoma, with mixed subtype (papillary >>acinar type),     なし 2013-05-27 F 65
NOp.920 左下葉肺がん Squamous cell carcinoma, moderately differentiated differentiated KRAS, TP53 2013-06-06 M 80
NOp.929 右上葉肺がん Squamous cell carcinoma, well differentiated なし 2013-06-20 M 64
NOp.934 左下葉肺がん Squamous cell carcinoma, well differentiated なし 2013-06-27 M 56
NOp.951 右中葉肺がんの疑い Metastaic carcinoma, 子宮内膜癌の転移 p53(-), p16(+), ER(少数に弱+), PgR(-) 2010/7/20 Serous adenocarcinoma 2013-08-12 F 58
NOp.954 右下葉肺がん Squamous cell carcinoma, moderately differentiated 2013-08-19 M 72
NOp.959 右下葉肺がん Squamous cell carcinoma, well differentiated, papillary type なし 2013-08-29 M 61
NOp.975 右下葉肺がん Squamous cell carcinoma, moderately differentiated なし 2013-10-07 M 76
NOp.980 右上葉肺がん Squamous cell carcinoma なし 2013-10-24 M 80
NOp.1002-1 右下葉肺がん Squamous cell carcinoma, 2013-12-02 M 72
NOp.1016-1 左上葉肺がん Squamous cell carcinoma, well differentiated 2014-01-16 M 77
NOp.1058 右上葉肺がん Squamous cell carcinoma 2014-05-19 M 66
NOp.1067-1 左下葉肺がん Squamous cell carcinoma, なし 2014-06-09 M 68
NOp.1068-1 左下葉肺がん Squamous cell carcinoma, poorly differentiated p40(+), TTF-1(-) 2014-06-16 M 72
NOp.1069-1 左下葉肺がん Adenosquamous carcinoma, HNF4α陽性 2014-06-16 M 70
NOp.1095-1 左上葉肺がん Adenocarcinoma, mixed subtype (lepidic > papillary > acinar) 2014-07-31 F 73
NOp.1109-1 左上葉肺がん Squamous cell carcinoma, poorly differentiated 2014-10-06 M 65
NOp.1111-1 右上葉肺がん Squamous cell carcinoma, TTF-1(-), Napsin A(-), p40(+), CK14(-), ALK(-) 2014-10-16 M 85
NOp.1124-1 右下葉肺がん Adenocarcinoma with mixed subtypes (pap > lepidic > acinar) 2014-11-13 M 74
NOp.1141-1 右上葉肺がん Adenocarcinoma, with mixed subtype (papillary >> BAC), EGFREx21変異特異的免疫染色陽性 2014-12-08 F 64
NOp.1145-1 右下葉肺がん Adenocarcinoma with mixed subtypes (AC+pap+BAC) EGFREx21変異特異的免疫染色;陽性 2014-12-25 M 68
NOp.1168-1 右上葉肺がん Adenocarcinoma、papillary type 2015-01-29 M 72
NOp.1171-1 左上葉肺がん Squamous cell carcinoma, 2015-02-02 M 70
NOp.1178-1 右上葉肺がん Adenocarcinoma, acinar type, 2015-02-09 F 73
NOp.1179-1 左上葉肺がん Squamous cell carcinoma 2015-02-12 M 74
NOp.1194-1 右下葉肺がん Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma, non-mucinous type 2016-11-05 F 74
NOp.1228-1 左下葉肺がん Adenocarcinoma, with mixed subtype (lepidic > papillary), EGFREx21変異特異的免疫染色;陽性 2015-06-01 F 80
NOp.1232-1 左上葉肺がん Squamous cell carcinoma with foci of adenocarcinoma component, P40陽性、CK14陰性、TTF-1陰性、NapsinA、ALK陰性 2015-06-29 M 75
NOp.1233-1 右上葉肺がん Adenocarcinoma, with mixed subtype (lepidic >> acinar > papillary), EGFREx21変異特異的免疫染色;陽性 マウス遠隔転移 2015-06-29 M 73
NOp.1266-1 右上葉肺がん Adenocarcinoma, with mixed subtype (solid>>papillary) 2016.8.24PSBF 2016-11-05 F 80
NOp.1269-1 左上葉肺がん Pleomorphic carcinoma AE1/3陽性、vimentin陽性、p40少数陽性、CK14少数陽性、TTF-1陰性、Napsin-A陰性 2015-08-27 M 57
NOp.1305-1 左上葉肺がん   Adenocarcinoma, papillary type, 2016-01-28 M 65
NOp.1327-1 右下葉肺がん Invasive mucinous carcinoma 2016-03-03 F 65
NOp.1386-1 右中葉肺がん Large cell carcinoma, 2016-06-06 M 63
NOp.1388-1 肺がん   Adenocarcinoma, papillary type, 2016-06-09 M 60
NOp.1395-1 左下葉肺がん Invasive adenocarcinoma, acinar predominant (acinar>papillary) EGFREx21変異特異的免疫染色;陽性 2016-06-20 M 71
NOp.1396 左転移性胸膜腫瘍, 胸腺腫,   Disseminated thymoma cells; Pleura WHO type B2-B1 重症筋無力症, 悪性胸腺腫 2016-06-23 M 52
NOp.1401-1 右上葉肺がん Squamous cell carcinoma 2016-12-24 M 66
NOp.1440-1 右上葉肺がん    Invasive adenocarcinoma, papillary predominant (papillary>lepidic), 2016-08-22 F 83
NOp.1443-1 左上葉肺がん  Invasive adenocarcinoma, lepidic predominant EGFREx21変異特異的免疫染色;陰性 ALK免疫染色;陰性 2016-08-25 F 48
NOp.1468-1 右中葉肺がん   Invasive adenocarcinoma, acinar predominant (acinar>lepidic), PAX8陰性、Thyroglobulin陰性 EGFREx21変異特異的免疫染色;陰性, ALK免疫染色;陰性 2016-09-26 F 83
NOp.1471-1 左上葉肺がん Adenocarcinoma in situ, non-mucinous, 胃粘膜内に高?中分化な腺癌の管状、乳頭状増殖を認める  2016.9.29 PSBF 2016-10-03 F 73
NOp.1474-1 右下葉肺がん  腺がん Adenocarcinoma, acinar pattern predominant 2016.9.29PSBF マウス内遠隔転移 2016-11-05 F 83
NOp.1480-1 左上葉肺がん  PSBF Microinvasive adenocarcinoma(MIA) 2016-12-29 F 73
NOp.1491-1 右下葉肺がん  PSBF Squamous cell carcinoma, 2016.10.24 PSBF 2017-03-31 M 79
NOp.1504-1 左下葉肺がん Adenocarcinoma, mixed subtype (papillary > lepidic), 2016-11-17 M 71
NOp.1508-1 右下葉肺がん Combined small cell carcinoma (SCLC+LCNEC), 2016-12-12 M 64
NOp.1512-1 右上葉肺がん  Squamous cell carcinoma, 2016-12-22 M 74
NOp.1531-1 右上葉肺がん Invasive adenocarcinoma, acinar predominant (acinar>lepidic), 2017-01-16 F 78
NOp.1541-1 左下葉肺がん Invasive adenocarcinoma, lepidic predominant (lepidic 70%, acinar 30%) 2017-01-30 F 78
NOp.1545-1 左下葉肺がん Invasive adenocarcinoma, acinar predominant (acinar: 90%, lepidic : 10%) 2017-02-06 F 83
NOp.1549-1 右下葉肺がん Squamous cell carcinoma, 2017-02-09 F 76
NOp.1579-1 左下葉肺がん Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma Synaptophysin(-), Chromogranin A(-), NCAM(少数+), TTF-1(-), p40(-) 2017-04-10 M 76
NOp.1585-1 右上葉肺がん Invasive adenocarcinoma, EGFREx21変異特異的免疫染色;陰性。 ALK免疫染色陰性 2017-04-20 M 66
NOp.1625-1 左上葉肺がん Adenosquamous carcinoma, TTF-1陽性 2017-07-27 M 82
NOp.1627-1 右中葉肺がん Residue of carcinoma cells 化学療法後 2017-07-31 M 60
NOhOs788 胸水 胸水の細胞診、Class Vで肺腺癌陽性 (がん細胞はほとんど認めず) 無治療、右胸水、EGFR(-)      胸水よりPDX樹立 KRAS 2012-05-23 F 89
NOhOs796 胸水 胸水の細胞診;腺がん D1 胸水、EGFR(+)、EGFR-TKI他各種治療済  胸水よりPDX樹立 なし 2012-06-15 F 54
NOhOs818 胸水 胸水の細胞診でadnocarcinoma Class V B1 術後再発で右胸膜播種、両側肺内転移、右胸水よりPDX樹立 2012-08-02 F 67
NOhOs879 胸水 胸水の細胞診;Class V腺癌 胸水よりPDX樹立、細胞培養(+) 2013-02-19 M 67
NOhOs927 胸水 肺腺がん胸水 胸水よりPDX樹立 2013-06-14 F 91
NOhOs948 胸水 肺腺癌 T4N2M1a stage IV 右がん性胸膜炎+胸膜播種 遠隔転移無。EGFR exon19 del     胸水よりPDX樹立 KDR 2013-08-05 F 61
乳腺腫瘍          Top
PDX. No 臨床診断 病理組織診断 特徴 既知突然変異 手術・移植日 年齢
NOp.450 乳がん(左) Invasive ductal carcinoma, scirrhous carcinoma with invasive micropapillary carcinoma component,, ER+ 91.6% アロマシン服用6ヶ月での早期再発 ATM 2010-06-17 F 68
NOp.502 乳がん(左) Ductal carcinoma in situ(DCIS), non-comedo type, DCIS なし 2010-09-30 F 77
NOp.516 乳がん(左) Mucinous carcinoma, pure type, ER+, 96.9% なし 2010-10-21 F 88
NOp.541 左乳がん Invasive ductal carcinoma, solid-tubular carcinoma ER+, 71.3% KDR PIK3CA 2010-11-25 F 87
NOp.607 乳がん術後局所再発 Apocrine carcinoma; s, f, NG3, ly2, v0 ---Lt Breast triple negative 局所再発 2011-04-28 F 46
NOp.713 左乳がん Invasive ductal carcinoma, papillotubular carcinoma with foci of invasive micropapillary carcinoma, ER+ 70% 早期局所再発、高悪性度 なし 2012-01-12 F 75
NOp.850 乳がん(右) Invasive ductal carcinoma, papillotubular carcinoma with foci of invasive micropapillary carcinoma ; ER+, 70%, DFI 1.5年で早期転移、高齢のため内分泌治療のみ施行、再発後2年で永眠。高悪性度腫瘍。 なし 2012-11-13 F 82
NOp.904 左乳がん 硬がん Invasive ductal carcinoma, solid-tubular carcinoma, ER(+,99%) EIC(-), post neoadjuvant chometherapy state: grade 1a 2013-05-09 F 63
NOp.1107 乳がん(右) Invasive ductal carcinoma, papillotubular type ER(+,99%) リンパ節転移4個。 2014-09-18 F 51
NOp.1265 乳がん(右) Invasive ductal carcinoma, papillo-tubular type, ER(-,<1%), HER2(-, score1+) triple negative 症例。当初センチネルn0。半年後腋窩再発してn3/40 2015-08-12 F 36
NOp.1293 左乳がん Invasive ductal carcinoma, solid-tubular type, ER+99%、NG3,Ki27%6) 2016-01-14 F 67
NOp.1334 乳がん(右) 左も? 浸潤性乳管がん Invasive ductal carcinoma, scirrhous type triple negative 症例。 2016-03-10 F 77
腎・膀胱・腎盂尿管・副腎腫瘍          Top
PDX. No 臨床診断 病理組織診断 特徴 既知突然変異 手術・移植日 年齢
NOp.710 膀胱がん Invasive urothelial carcinoma, P53 multi 2012-01-11 M 70
NOp.740 膀胱がん Invasive urothelial carcinoma, high grade(30%) with squamous(50%) and gladular(20%) differentiation (PIK3CA, KDR) 2012-02-17 F 81
NOp.756 右腎盂がん Invasive urothelial carcinoma, マウス内転移++ 2012-03-26 F 59
NOp.767 右腎盂がん Invasive urothelial carcinoma, sarcomatoid variant-Renal pelvis : 2012-04-13 M 68
NOp.771 膀胱がん Invasive urothelial carcinoma, なし 2012-04-18 M 79
NOp.776 右腎盂がん Invasive urothelial carcinoma, 2012-04-25 F 64
NOp.803 左腎がん High grade sarcoma, AE1/3(-),Vimentin(+),S100(-),LCA(-),Chromogoranin(-),Synaptophysin(weak+?),NSE(-),EMA(-) 2012-06-29 M 68
NOp.804 右腎がん Clear cell renal cell carcinoma (KDR) 2012-07-04 M 77
NOp.836 膀胱がん Invasive urothelial carcinoma high grade (60%) with squamous differentiation (30%) and glandular differentiation (9%) and giant cell variant (1%), 2012-09-21 M 64
NOp.847 膀胱がん Invasive urothelial carcinoma, high grade with squamous differentiation, with foci of micropapillary carcinoma component 前立腺の一部で、5mm大の範囲に、Gleason score 3+3=6相当のadenocarcinoma有 2012-10-31 M 82
NOp.871 副腎腫瘍 Metastatic adenocarcinoma cells, unknown origin, CK7(+), CK20(+), TTF-1(+/-), CDX2(-), Pax8(-), Pax2(-) 2013-02-01 M 76
NOp.905 右腎がん Clear cell renal cell carcinoma, 2013-05-10 M 60
NOp.919 膀胱三角部膀胱がん Invasive urothelial carcinoma, 2013-06-03 M 72
NOp.926 右腎がん Clear cell renal cell carcinoma 2013-06-12 M 87
NOp.928 右腎腫瘍 Clear cell renal cell carcinoma (MLH1) 2013-06-19 F 79
NOp.935 膀胱がん Invasive urothelial carcinoma, high grade (89%%), with squamous differentiation (10%) + sarcomatoid variant (1%, without heterologous element)l 2013-07-03 M 77
NOp.947 腎がん Clear cell renal cell carcinoma, 2013-08-05 M 83
NOp.1014 右腎がん Clear cell renal cell carcinoma 2014-01-07 M 68
NOp.1050 膀胱頚部膀胱がん Invasive urothelial carcinoma, high grade (50%), with glandular differentiation (20%) and giant cell variant (30%), 2014-04-18 M 72
NOp.1056 腎がん Clear cell renal cell carcinoma 2014-05-14 M 89
NOp.1066 左腎がん Invasive urothelial carcinoma high grade (90%) with squamous diffrentiation (10%); 2014-06-06 F 82
NOp.1182 腎がん Clear cell renal cell carcinoma 2015-02-13 F 83
NOp.1207 右腎盂腫瘍 Non-invasive papillary urothelial carcinoma, 2015-04-15 F 63
NOp.1211 腎がん Clear cell renal cell carcinoma 2015-04-22 M 71
NOp.1264 左腎盂がん Invasive urothelial carcinoma, high grade (80%) with squamous differentiation (10%) and glandular differentiation (10%), 2015-08-12 F 86
NOp.1281 腎がん Clear cell renal cell carcinoma 2015-09-30 M 80
NOp.1385 腎盂腫瘍 Invasive urothelial carcinoma, 2016-06-03 M 68
NOp.1615 腎がん Papillary renal cell carcinoma 2017-06-28 M 71
NOp.1724 腎盂がん Non-invasive papillary urothelial carcinoma, high grade 2018-02-27 F 63
NOp.1038-1 左転移性肺腫瘍 Metastasis of clear cell renal cell carcinoma in the lung, 左腎癌転移 TP53, VHL , KDR 2014-03-10 M 54
NOp.1039-1 左転移性肺腫瘍 Metastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma in the lung, 右腎癌転移 2014-03-10 M 65
NOp.1173-1 左転移性肺腫瘍 Metastasis of clear cell renal cell carcinoma, 腎癌転移 2015-02-06 M 66
前立腺、精巣腫瘍          Top
PDX. No 臨床診断 病理組織診断 特徴 既知突然変異 手術・移植日 年齢
NOs.415 前立腺がん Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, Gleason score 5+5=10, 化療、放射線照射後睾丸腫大、摘出(embryonl ca)。睾丸転移症例、未治療 PDX; PSA++ (MET;48%) PDX: (PDGFRA-del, TP53del, MET 44.5%) 2009-07-31 M
NOs.688 前立腺がん Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma, Gleason score? PSA35.9, ホルモン療法後、ホルモン抵抗性となる (PDGFRA) 2011-11-21 M 84
NOs.750 前立腺がん Poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma, Gleason score 5+4=9 PSA16.8、ホルモン療法後、ホルモン非依存性となる STK11、 PDX; KDR,TP53 2012-03-19 M
NOp.1282 前立腺がん Adenocarcinoma, Gleason score 5+5=10, 2015-09-30 M 78
NOp.1478 前立腺がん、 Adenocarcinoma, Gleason score 4~5 去勢抵抗性 2016-10-11 M 83
NOp.1567 前立腺がん Residue of adenocarcinoma, Gleason score 5+4=9 去勢抵抗性 2017-03-08 M 75
NOp.1429 セミノーマ(右) Seminoma, 2016-08-05 M 47
卵巣・子宮          Top
PDX. No 臨床診断 病理組織診断 特徴 既知突然変異 手術・移植日 年齢
NOs.202 卵巣がん Serous adenocarcinoma (TP53, STK) 1992-05-12 F 50
NOs.1185 卵巣がん Serous adenocarcinoma, Grade 3 KDR (HRAS) 2015-03-12 F 61
NOs.1227 卵巣がん Serous adenocarcinoma, Grade 2 2015-05-19 F
NOs.1442 卵巣がん serous adenocarcinoma (peritoneum)  2016-08-25 F 76
GIST          Top
PDX. No 臨床診断 病理組織診断 特徴 既知突然変異 手術・移植日 年齢
NOp.544 GIST肝転移 Metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumor of the liver,  c-kit(+)、CD34(+)、S100(-)、SMA(-)、Desmin(-)、DOG-1(+) 胃原発, , グリベック11月26日から中止 2010-11-30 M 53
NOp.664 GIST肝転移 Metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumor, c-kit (+), DOG-1 (+), AE1/3(-), SMA(-), S-100(-) 胃原発, グリベック9/9~中止 2011-09-13 F 70
NOp.738 小腸GIST Peritoneal dissemination of gastrointestinal stromal tumor, c-kit (+)、CD34(-)、DOG1 (+)、S100(-)、SMA(-) 腹膜播腫 2012-02-16 M 68
NOp.752 小腸GIST再発、肝転移 Gastrointestinal stromal tumor, c-kit(+), CD34(+), DOG-1(+), SMA(-), Desmin(-), S100(-) 回盲部腫瘤切除、消化管出血, Post Chemotherapy KDR (48.9%,) 2012-03-22 M 42
NOp.782 胃GIST腹膜播腫 Gastrointestinal stromal tumor, c-kit(+), DOG-1(+), SMA(-), S100(-) イマチニブ耐性 グリベック4/19~中止 GIST 2010.7.20胃GIST手術(c-kit(+), CD34(+), Desmin(-), SMA(-), S100(+) )、2012.5 2012-05-10 M 65
NOp.806 胃GIST+小網腫瘍 Gastrointestinal stromal tumor , c-kit(+), CD34(+), DOG-1(+), SMA(-), Desmin(-), S100(-), グリベック6月11日から中止中 2012-07-10 F 79
NOp.855 小腸GIST Gastrointestinal stromal tumor, c-kit(+), DOG-1(+), SMA(+, focal), S100(focal+), 6/5~ネオアジュバント。グリベック11/30~止 2012-12-06 M 47
NOp.874 GIST Gastrointestinal stromal tumor, liver, c-kit(+), DOG-1(+), SMA(-), S100(-) イマチニブ耐性, 肝転移 2013-02-05 F 66
NOp.1001-1 胃GIST、腹膜播種 Gastrointestinal stromal tumor、c-kit(+), CD34(+, focal), DOG-1(+), SMA(+, focal), Desmin(-), S100(-)、Post Chemotherapy ネオアジュバント途中で、間質性肺炎後、胃,, KIT (68.4%), PIK3CA (51.2%) 2013-11-27 M 69
NOp.1074 回腸GIST Gastrointestinal stromal tumor,    DOG-1(+), c-kit(+), CD34(-), SMA(-、少数ながら陽性細胞+), Desmin(-), S100(-) 2014-07-11 M 67
NOp.1091 胃体上部GIST Gastrointestinal stromal tumor, c-kit(+)、DOG-1(+)、CD34(+)、desmin(-)、SMA(-)性、S-100(-) プラビックス 7/18~止 2014-07-25 F 77
NOp.1114 胃GIST再発 Gastrointestinal stromal tumor, c-kit(+), DOG-1(+), CD34(+), SMA(-), S100(-), Desmin(-) グリベック10/10~止 2014-10-17 M 74
NOp.1137 胃巨大GIST Gastrointestinal stromal tumor, chemotherapy: grade 2              c-kit(+), DOG-1(+), CD34(+), SMA(-), S100(-), Desmin(-) 胃部切、脾摘、間質性肺炎ありグリベック中止中 post neoadjuvant chemotherapy 2014-11-27 F 76
NOp.1338-1 胃GIST播種再発、 Recurrence of gastrointestinal stromal tumor, c-kit(+)、DOG-1(+)、CD34(+)、SMA (ptialy +)、desmin (ptialy +)、S-100 (ptialy +) NOp544と同一患者、再発例。    回盲部腫瘍切除、消化管出血 2016-03-22 M 58